lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Conventional Medicine in ADHD

ADHD is an illnes that makes you a lor of bad things, like less concentration, impulsivity and stressed out. This illness have not a cure, only treatments that can aliviate this illness.

The conventional medicine in ADHD it`s th most effective, thje use of conventional medicine on ADHD has very good results, like make the person make the person that have this illness to be more concentrate, be less impulsive, feel calmer and learn and practise new skills.

The conventional medicine it`s better than the alternative not because the conventional is more effective, it`s too because the conventional medicine it`s much easier to find it, it`s much less expensive and there is much more medications, treatments and doctor that use it.

There is another type of medicine that is called the CAM (conventional and alternative medicine toghether). But in my opinion, the best one is the conventional, because of the thins I just told you.    

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